Metal landscape edging has certainly lived up to its reputation of being one of the top landscape edging materials.

Metal landscape edging creates a clean separation between garden beds and lawns, prevents garden material from migrating, and prevents grass from invading garden beds. But while working hard, it calls minimal attention to itself.
Metal landscape edging also has many benefits.
Some of these include:
- Metal landscape edging will not crack, rot, chip, or become brittle in the cold weather
- It resists ground movement from excessive rains and extreme weather conditions
- It won’t become damaged by garden maintenance tools
- Metal landscape edging is easy to curve for abnormal garden bed shapes
- It’s easy to install
- Metal withstands the test of time
- Installing metal landscape edging requires little to no maintenance
- Metal landscape edging compliments and fits into many different landscape styles
With all of these benefits of metal landscape edging, there are very few cons of metal edging.
If you’re wanting a decorative landscape edging, metal may not be for you because of its sleek appearance. Metal edging can be made up of aluminum or steel, but untreated steel edging will oxidize. However, while this definitely isn’t a bad thing because it is actually making the metal even stronger, it can be considered one for those who are not interested in the patina look.
Installing Metal Landscape Edging
Metal edging typically comes in strips that have connectors to attach multiple strips together in one solid line. Most metal landscape edging is 3-5 inches deep (our Edge Right, however, is 8 inches). Part of the depth of the metal landscape edging sheet will penetrate the ground and part will remain above ground. The more of the metal that is placed into the ground, the more stable the barrier will be and the better of a barrier the edging will be against grass and weeds from invading the garden space.
To install metal landscape edging, the first step is to check your soil. Is it hard or soft? If it is soft, you can simply use a rubber mallet to pound the metal
Unless, of course, the metal edging has spiked “teeth” like our Edge Right that more easily penetrate the earth.
If you did dig a trench, you will then use the dirt you dug out to fill in any remaining space around the edging to ensure stability. Now you’re all done. We told you metal edging installation was easy!
Maintenance with Metal Landscape Edging
As for maintenance with metal landscape edging, of course you will have to do your regular mowing and weed eating, but other than that there isn’t much maintenance required. If the metal edging happens to pop up out of the ground, you can easily hammer it back down. If you decide to change the shape or size of your current metal edged garden bed, you can simply pull the edging up and reinstall it in along the new border line with no hassle and minimal labor.
Cost of Metal Landscape Edging
Metal might be a little more expensive than some other landscape edging materials like those landscape edging materials at Lowe’s or Home Depot. But it is well worth it. Part of its value lies in its longevity.
The exact price of metal landscape edging will vary depending on specific material, height/depth, thickness, anchoring system and brand.